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Terms of Service

Welcome to Raymi website ( ( (hereinafter referred to as this website), which is managed by Raymi International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company") provides services in accordance with the terms of service, please read the following agreed terms in detail first:

When you use this website, you are deemed to have fully reviewed, understood and agreed to the terms of service, and agree to and abide by all the contents of the terms and the "Privacy Statement".

If you are a minor under the age of 20 or you can only exercise your rights or assume obligations under the laws of the Republic of China with the prior consent of a third party, your parents (or guardians) should read, understand and agree to this clause All content is subject to use of this website. When you use this website, it means that your parent (or guardian) has read, understood and agreed to all the contents of this clause. If you do not agree to all or part of these terms, please do not register, and please stop using this website immediately.

By using the services of this website, you agree to the following:

1. Registration obligations and use of membership services

  1. When you register as a member of the website, or shop on this website, or use the services provided by this website and participate in activities, we will ask you to fill in your personal information, such as name, gender, phone number....
  2. Please keep the account properly, and do not disclose, provide, lend or transfer it to a third party. If the account is used by others, please notify the customer service personnel immediately.
  3. If you provide any false or incomplete information or use an invalid credit card number to conduct transactions on the website or your account is fraudulently used, the company will not be responsible for any damages caused to you. Relevant laws and compensation liabilities will be involved, and the company has the right to suspend or terminate your account, and refuse you to use all or part of the membership service.
  4. The company's information and transaction records registered by "members" will be used for the needs of this website, marketing statistics, analysis, and member services on this website based on the protection of personal privacy, and will not be used for any other purpose.
  5. The company will protect the privacy of all members using this system service according to law.
  6. Please refer to the "Privacy Statement" for the account and personal data security of this website.


2. Changes in service content

Members agree that Ruimi may adjust, change, modify or terminate this website and the terms at any time, which will take effect after Ruimi announces, without further individual notice. The latest revised version of these terms shall prevail in relation to the rights and obligations of members with Rimi due to participation in Rimi activities and use of Rimi services.


3. Law-abiding obligations and commitments of members

Members promise never to use this website for any illegal purpose or in any illegal way, and promise to abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of China and all international practices for using the Internet. If the member is a user outside the Republic of China, he agrees to abide by the laws and regulations of his country or region. Members agree and guarantee that they will not use this website to engage in acts that infringe on the rights and interests of others or violate the law, including but not limited to:

  1. Publish or transmit any defamatory, insulting, threatening, offensive, indecent, obscene, false, contrary to public order or good customs or other illegal text, pictures or files of any form.
  2. Infringe or damage the company's or others' reputation, privacy rights, trade secrets, trademark rights, copyrights, patent rights, other intellectual property rights and other rights.
  3. Violation of confidentiality obligations under laws or contracts.
  4. Use this website under the name of another person.
  5. Transmit or distribute computer viruses.
  6. Engage in commercial activities that have not been authorized by Remi in advance.
  7. Publish, transmit, send spam, chain letters, multi-level marketing messages and advertisements that are illegal or unauthorized by Remi; or store any information that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others or violates laws and regulations.
  8. Behavior that annoys, displeases or violates general Internet etiquette to other members or third parties on this website.
  9. Other behaviors that do not conform to the purpose of use provided by this website or behaviors that Remy has legitimate reasons to consider inappropriate.


4. Relevant regulations for ordering

  1. In addition to these terms of service, relevant information presented on the product sales webpage and related webpages in the ordering process, including relevant transaction conditions, restrictions and instructions, etc., are also part of the contract.
  2. Once you complete the ordering process in accordance with the methods, conditions and procedures stipulated on this website, it means that you have made an offer and are willing to order the product or service in accordance with the terms of service and the agreed content, transaction conditions or restrictions stated on the relevant web pages.
  3. After the order is completed, the system will send you a notification by email or other means, but all orders are still subject to the relevant availability.
  4. After the order is confirmed, if you change or cancel the order during the delivery period, you must immediately contact the customer service to assist in the relevant processing. If you refuse for no reason, this website has the right to suspend or terminate any member services and rights.
  5. If the delivery of the goods has been delivered twice and cannot be delivered, or if you refuse to pick up after the agreed time limit or cannot get in touch, it will be deemed that you agree to abandon the goods and bear the freight and related derivative costs without further notice, and you will not be required afterwards Merchandise, Refunds, Damages.
  6. The delivery method has been informed of the time required for the arrival of the goods, unless it is delayed due to natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, accidents, and other force majeure factors.


5. Return / Exchange Instructions

  1. Pursuant to Article 19 of the Consumer Protection Law, commodities traded by communication have a 7-day hesitation period (not a trial period) upon delivery, and the contract can be terminated by returning the commodity or giving a written notice within 7 days after receiving the commodity or receiving the service, without explaining the reason and bear any costs or consideration.
  2. If the product belongs to the food category, based on hygienic and safety considerations, except for defective products, the returned/exchanged product must be kept in a brand new and unopened package (the outer plastic film/sticker has been torn off or the product packaging bag has been opened, that is, the unsealed state) , if it has been unpacked, it cannot be returned or exchanged.
  3. After the goods arrive, if there are defects, damage, shortage of items, etc., you need to return or exchange the goods. Please notify in writing or return the goods within 7 days, and please leave your contact information or contact customer service for follow-up details In order to facilitate the return and exchange speed, returns and exchanges will not be accepted after 7 days.
  4. All returned goods, together with gifts, accessories, packaging, and accompanying documents, must be kept intact at the time of shipment. If there is a request for a physical invoice, the physical invoice must be returned together and signed a discount form and other relevant laws and regulations. The required documents, otherwise, the company has the right to refuse to accept.
  5. You understand and agree that if you request a return or exchange, or because the company cannot accept all or part of your order, or the contract is terminated or invalidated for some reason, and the company needs to handle refunds for you, the company may Handle documents required by relevant laws and regulations such as invoices or discount orders on your behalf.
  6. If you apply for a return refund, the company will confirm the quantity and completeness of the returned product with you after the product is returned, and after the gifts, accessories, packaging, and accompanying documents are correct, the company's refund operation will be within 7-14 working days Refund within days.
  7. After confirming that the refund standard is met, if you pay with a credit card, UnionPay card, or LINE PAY, you will be refunded online. The actual date of crediting the refund varies depending on the crediting date of each card-issuing bank. Please contact the card-issuing bank Confirm the actual entry date; if you use the supermarket code to pay the fee or the payment date exceeds the card issuing bank's settlement date, please provide a copy of the correct passbook account to facilitate the completion of the refund procedure.


6. Instructions for Shopping Gold and Membership Points

  1. The shopping credit given by this website will be automatically calculated by the system to offset the order amount during checkout. There may be an upper limit for the discount, and shipping fees may not be included.
  2. Shopping rewards and membership points on this website cannot be used in parallel with other discounts or combinations of special discounts.
  3. Shopping credits and membership points on this website cannot be transferred to other accounts, and will be canceled automatically after the expiration date and will not be reissued.
  4. The company reserves the right to change, modify, and terminate the relevant rules and agreed terms of the "Instructions for the Use of Shopping Gold and Membership Points". The company only needs to make an announcement through this website immediately after each change. It will take effect without further individual notification. It is recommended that you pay attention to the company's announcement at any time to protect your own rights and interests.


7. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

  1. The software or programs used by Ruimi and all content on the website, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, materials, website structure, arrangement of website screens, and web design, are legally owned by Ruimi or other obligees. Intellectual property rights, including but not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets and proprietary technologies, etc. No one is allowed to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, distribute, publicly publish, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble without authorization. If a member wishes to quote or reprint the aforementioned software, program or website content, he must obtain the explicit prior written consent of Ruimi according to law. Respecting intellectual property rights is the obligation of members. If there is any violation, the member shall be liable for damages to Remy (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney fees, etc.).
  2. Under the principle of respecting the intellectual property rights of others, members agree not to infringe the intellectual property rights of others when using the services of Remy.
  3. If a member is involved in infringement, Ruimi can suspend all or part of the service, or deal with it by canceling the member account.
  4. If you find that your intellectual property rights have been violated, please respond to Ruimi with the situation and contact information of the infringement, and attach a true statement and a statement of legal intellectual property rights. If you have any questions, please contact us.


8. Buying, selling or trading on external websites

  1. Rimi ensures that the computer system of this website has the security that can be reasonably expected in general, but the content of the websites or webpages linked through this website are provided by the respective website or webpage manufacturers, and Rimi does not guarantee the correctness and reliability of the content or all information. reliability or immediacy.
  2. Members may provide commodity sales, services or other transactions through the external websites linked by this website. If you conduct a transaction with this webpage, the sale or other contract only exists between you and the webpage manufacturer or individual, and is not within the scope of this website, and has nothing to do with this website and does not assume any guarantee responsibility. No rights are claimed on this site.


9. Disclaimer

You clearly understand and agree that this website is only provided according to the functions and current status of each service at that time. For the user's personal special requirements or needs, this website is not responsible for any express or implied form or content guarantee or guarantee, including but not limited to speed, security, reliability, completeness, correctness and uninterrupted lines and errors, commercial merchantability, suitability for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of the rights of others.

Except for the intentional or gross negligence of this website, North Website shall not be liable for any damage caused by using this website.


10. Other agreements

  1. Members agree to use electronic documents as the official means of expression when using all the content of this website. When members click on the function keys such as consent or confirmation on various services and functions, it will be deemed as the member's official expression.
  2. The company has the right to change product pricing, selling price, specifications, discounts, etc. If there is any change, it will be announced on the website without individual notice, except for orders that have been established and confirmed with customer service.
  3. All merchandise checkout currency units on our website are NT dollars.
  4. In the transaction on the company's official website, if there is a transaction dispute, the information provided by this website and the electronic transaction data shall be used as the basis.
  5. Any behavior that interferes with this website, the company has the right to claim for damages.
  6. In case of maintenance and construction of this website, or sudden equipment failure, this website has the right to stop or interrupt the provision of this service. The company does not need to provide any compensation to the user or any third party for the service stop or interruption caused by other reasons not attributable to Ruimi .


11. Applicable Law and Principles of Interpretation

In addition to complying with these terms and conditions, members also agree to abide by the company's regulations on this website and related websites. The transactions of various commodities and matters not agreed in these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China and related laws and regulations. Regulations and practices are the basis for processing. In the event of a dispute, the Taiwan Taipei District Court shall be the jurisdictional court of first instance.